Getting Started

Rich Text Element allows you to make changes to your blog posts or custom collection items from your website builder. This article will cover how you can add a Rich Text Element to your website, use the element's features, and various use cases.

Table of Contents

Adding Rich Text Element

To add a Rich Text Element to your web page, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Login to your Dashboard
  2. Click on Design and Pages
  3. Click on ‘Add a section’ on any page of your site
  4. Go to Custom Section
  5. Select a CMS Row with Column
  6. Connect with a database
  7. Make sure your Post or Custom Collection items have data in them to show
  8. Choose Data Source as either: Posts or Custom Collection
  9. Click on **Add Element** on the empty section
  10. Add the Rich Text Element Element under the CMS Elements section.

To follow the steps visually, follow the steps below: